Hightech Agenda Bavaria

BaCaTeC supported the Hightech Agenda Bayern of the Bavarian state government with two activities between the deadlines April 2020 and October 2024.

"Visiting scholarships artificial intelligence" (vsai)

The new funding line enabled chairs of authorized institutions in Bavaria to invite speakers from California, who are distinguished in the AI research area, for a talk to their University. This visiting Scholarships artificial intelligence (vsai) program allowed to apply for costs for flight, accomodation, stay and appropriate fees at a maximum of 3.000 € per guest.

Funding conditions

Between 2020 and 2024 BaCaTeC accepted a new kind of proposals in the research area of AI / digitalization, in which the requirement of building a new cooperation was dropped out. So research groups from Bavaria could strengthen their (existing) cooperations with partners from California and invite their partners to a new visit in Bavaria. This was also valid for project proposals and proposals with involved companies (Joined Public-Private Proposals).