Subsequent projects
Towards data driven discovery – automated processing and smart data analysis
University of Bayreuth, Physikalisches Institut
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Advanced Light Source
In our collaboration to date we have developed a setup for thin film deposition under controlled environment (Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 066101, 2017). This system allows us to choose various control parameters during thin film deposition. We were able to show that that there are exciting opportunities for influencing the nanostructure using various processing routes. However, the next challenge is to smartly determine which of the huge variety of processing parameters will have the largest and most optimal effect on the final performance of the processed thin films. We will therefore fully automatize our controlled deposition system and use machine learning algorithms to more efficiently xplore material properties during processing.
Primary project: Thin film deposition under controlled atmosphere using in-situ x-ray scattering
Final Report
In the framework of the funded project we have utilized the printing set-up in various configurations to examine the effectiveness of processing parameters on the properties of thin films. We were able to systematically study for example the effect of electric fields on the printing process [1]. Furthermore we also examined the structural effects of temperature controlled deposition routes. [2-4] Our particular focus was to fully automate the system. On the one hand to increase the reproducibility and to systematically and precisely vary the processing conditions. To achieve this we have developed a software that controls and tracks the various components of the set-up. To evaluate the generated data sets we have tested the possibilities and limitations of principal component analysis and non-negative matrix factorization. We already see big potential within such precise data sets to reliably and quickly identify the decisive parameters in the processing conditions.
Related Publications:
[1] Pröller, S., O. Filonik, F. Eller, S. Mansi, C. Zhu, E. Schaible, A. Hexemer, P. Müller-Buschbaum, et al., Electrophoresis Assisted Printing: A Method To Control the Morphology in Organic Thin Films, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 5219
[2] Lebert J.; Kratzer E. M.; Herzig, E. M., Solution‐Processed, Insoluble Thin Films through In Situ Chemical Polymerization of Semiconducting Native Polythiophene, Phys. Status Solidi A 2020, 1900895
[3] Filonik, O; Thordardottir, M. E.; Lebert, J.; Pröller, S.; Weiß, S.; Haur, L. J.; Priyadarshi, A.; Fontaine, P.; Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Mathews, N.; Herzig, E. M. Evolution of Perovskite Crystallization in Printed Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells, Energy Technol. 2019, 7, 1900343
[4] Lebert J., Kratzer E.M., Bourdick A., Čorić M., Gekle S., Herzig E.M.: Directing the Aggregation of Native Polythiophene during in Situ Polymerization. ACS Omega 2018, 3, 6388